Pennsylvania Liberty Alliance Logo.

Pennsylvania Liberty Alliance Website Redesign

Wes Web had the opportunity to do a website redesign for the Pennsylvania Liberty Alliance. This site was initially built in WordPress. It had a simple appearance that integrated their social media posting. While the original site worked for them, as they have grown into a multifaceted organization working towards preserving multiple liberties and freedoms in the United States, they outgrew their original website.

Web Development From Single Focus To Multifaceted

The old PLA website primarily focused on property tax reformation in Pennsylvania. The PLA focuses on much more than that. Therefore, when designing the new website, we had to create service pages that concentrated on these different goals and missions.

As the PLA grows and develops and the PA government changes, so will their focus on preserving liberty. This website had to be built in a way that it could grow and develop with the organization. The best websites are always created with this in mind.

Get a professional website design or website redesign by Wes Web.

Pennsylvania Liberty Alliance Call To Action Web Design

The balance that this site needed was clearly communicating its call to action. Most business websites only have two calls to action “Buy now” and “contact us”. Since the Pennsylvania Liberty Alliance is a nonprofit, it had five calls to action. These five calls to action are:

  • Join Us
  • Contact Us
  • Donate To Us
  • Sign A Petition
  • Attend An Event

Additionally, the organization has a separate organization called the PA Liberty Fund. While there isn’t as much of a direct call out to this independent organization, it required a little bit of careful consideration in how to integrate it into the website.

PLA Unified Branding & Website Design Appearance

The PLA’s old website did not have colors or branding integrated into the website. They did have a logo, but the logo colors were not utilized in the overall site design.

I obviously wanted to start with a red, white, and blue base color when starting the project. I had to choose variations of those colors that would not look cheesy and would communicate professionalism and liberty. Having a darker blue and a gray helped communicate this.

Additionally, you will notice the PLA’s home page has the Pennsylvania capital building as the opening image. The purpose behind this is to localize the nonprofit’s focus. The old website only focused on one of its missions. By starting with the PA capitol building, the PLA was able to display its primary focus.

As you go through the homepage design, you will see the broad purpose and focus of the PA Liberty Alliance revealed as well as the different specific focuses of their organization. So check out the PLA website redesign and contact us for professional government web design or nonprofit web design.


Contact Wes Web For Your Website Redesign

Wes Web is located in Pennsylvania, and we provide professional web design and digital marketing services. Our specialty is search engine optimization, so contact us to grow your business.

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