PPC Landing Page.

Create A Landing Page For Getting Leads In PPC & SEO

Whether you are designing a web page for SEO or PPC, there are a few tried and true ways to design your landing page so more people see it and more people contact you when they access it. When developing a pay-per-click marketing campaign, you should consider creating an effective landing page. If you have a professional internet marketer working on your website’s SEO, they will continually consider the design and effectiveness of a landing page.

Here is a quick guide on how to design a landing page and how to create a landing page that gets leads. Learn how to develop a remarkable landing page for getting your business leads, or hire us as your professional internet marketers and web designers.

Developing A Landing Page With Intent

Ask yourself what the purpose of this web page is? If it is a PPC landing page, it should be to get leads. PPC campaigns are typically focused on the conversion part of the marketing funnel.

If a page you are creating is a blog post like this one, it could be created to get links or develop an interest in our services; it can also be to inform. Knowing the intent and purpose of your landing page can make it more effective.

Things To Include On Your Website’s Landing Page Designed For Leads

Below is a list of things you should do to make your landing page as effective as possible. We will provide information specifically on a landing page designed for getting leads in PPC campaigns. If you are interested in designing informational blog posts to attract interested buyers or developing a compelling blog post for building links, subscribe to our newsletter.

1. Landing Page’s Written Content Should Match PPC Campaign’s Keywords

It would make sense that a page that you are trying to get people to click on would have the keywords people are searching. So get the correct keywords on your PPC landing page, and Google might discount the cost of your PPC clicks.

2. Have Your Contact Form “Above The Fold.”

“Above The Fold” is a common phrase used to describe where a contact form should be located on a website’s page. The fold refers to a web page’s area you have to scroll to. In research done by the Nielsen Norman Group, “The average difference in how users treat info above vs. below the fold is 84%.”

84% is a huge difference. Taking content 84% more seriously or a contact form looking 84% more important than anything else will help you get leads to your business. Your business should not neglect above-the-fold in a landing page’s design.

If you look at many of the websites we have designed at Wes Web, you will see the contact form is typically above-the-fold. This is because when we work with a business designing a website, we take SEO and effective web design seriously. Our recommendations revolve around making a website rank higher and more effectively. If a website we design does not have a contact form towards the top of a page or above the fold, they specifically requested against it.

3. Design Your Landing Page To Be Visually Appealing

It is pretty evident that a visually attractive page will result in a person remaining on your landing page longer. What about designing things that will keep a person there, inform them of your product, and be visually stunning. Go beyond your landing page’s design and create high-quality content.

4. Have High-Quality Content On Your Landing Page

High-quality content is created and designed to inform and sell interested buyers. This can be the written text on a page, an infographic, or a video. If you have a landing page that has a video effectively placed and well designed, you can keep interested buyers on your site longer and on your landing page longer. Your goal as they watch the video is for them to be convinced that they should fill out the contact form before the end of it.

5. Last Resort Internal Links

If a person does not fill out the contact form right away, that means they need more convincing. A great strategy is to mention related topics and pages on your site. You can keep them on your website longer by linking to those pages. The longer someone is on your website, the more of a chance they will buy something.

Learn More About Lead Generating Landing Pages

While this provides some fundamental insight on landing pages and their purpose, this is only a light introduction. If you would like to learn more about PPC landing pages, or if you would like to get a PPC landing page designed for your business, contact us for a free quote. There is much more to digital marketing than a PPC campaign. Learn more about the different aspects of marketing.

Wes Web is a professional internet marketing company located in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. We seek to provide marketing services to grow your business.

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