Daily Marketing Tip

Hello, you can find our daily marketing tips posted to almost every single one of our social media channels. This is simply a collection of tips. We will keep the newest tip at the top, so you do not have to scroll all the way to the bottom each day if this is where you are accessing the newest tip. You can access our tips in video format by following us! We also tweet lame versions on Twitter, but who wants to read when you could be lulled by the sweet, sultry tones of my nasally voice.

Marketing Tip Questions

If you have any questions about our daily marketing tips, do not hesitate to contact us and ask questions! We love to talk with other business owners and marketers about marketing. We also love discussing marketing strategy. Our marketing tip of the day is sometimes basic; other times, it can be more advanced. Either way, we are having fun every day!


Marketing Tip Day 7: Timely Content Marketing

Happy Halloween everyone! Today on Wes Web’s Marketing tip of the day we are looking at one of my favorite forms of content marketing: timely content.

Anyone who says SEO is dead doesn’t know how to make a good SEO and content strategy. They are probably only doing technical SEO and not creating content which is a sham, to say the least. If they are writing content excellent! But you’re not seeing results? They are probably writing the same old topics that have been created a million times.

A good marketer will learn your product and be immersed in your business. Some industries that people say SEO is just too difficult to bother are Insurance, Software, Real Estate, Retail, Tourism, and the Job market.

It is true, these markets are extremely difficult. A local insurance agent can’t compete on the same level as Geico, Progressive, or State Farm who are spending literally billions of dollars on their digital marketing. A local job listing site will always be outranked by Indeed or LinkedIn. And we all know Zillow is the go to place for real estate. So how do these businesses measure up? What can we do?

In these industries, we need to have a content marketing strategy that creates timely content. That can only be done if your digital marketer is paying attention to your industry. Want timely blog topic ideas for your industry? Comment your industry and we can talk!

Tune in tomorrow we are going to talk about another type of content that can help you beat out the massive businesses that dominate the search results. Work Hard. Market Well.

Marketing Tip Day 6: Multiplatform Marketing – Website

Yesterday on Wes Web’s marketing tip of the day, we talked about multiplatform marketing; in another video, we discussed the difference between digital and traditional marketing platforms. Today we are zooming in on one platform and taking a broad look at marketing through our website.

Our website is the foundation of all our marketing, whether it be traditional or digital. If someone sees a sign for your business, they’re probably going to your website – Unless they are one of those weird people who can remember numbers. Pshh!

But online, almost every digital marketing platform is pointing (or should be) pointing back to your website.

In the scheme of multiplatform marketing, it is vital our website aligns with all our marketing, which is effective branding. Our website is the last thing people see before they decide to contact us and make a purchase or not to. We should make every effort to get them to make the purchase, or get them to come back to our website with following up, retargeting ads, or being so awesome they can’t help but check in on what we’re are doing.

Does your website represent your business well? Does it communicate clearly? Does it lead them to become a conversion? Do you have things like a subscribe form so you can circle back and email them, or does your homepage change enough that when they come back, they feel you have more to offer?

Let me know in the comments; I’d love to do a website analysis for you. Work Hard. Market Well.

Marketing Tip Day 6: Multiplatform Marketing/Dynamic Marketing

Wes Web’s marketing tip of the day is focused on multiplatform marketing or, as I like to call it, Dynamic Marketing.

There have been so many times at Wes Web when we create an amazing piece of content for a client, and we say, “You should definitely share this on other marketing platforms like social media or with other people in your industry to build links and further your business’s reach. And they don’t.

I understand business owners are busy, and that’s why they hire me.

Dynamic marketing is taking one piece of content and developing it into multiple marketing platforms. I do that with these daily marketing tips. I take 5 minutes to write the script, and 2 minutes to record the video. I upload the video to TikTok, and while it is uploading, I copy the script and add it to my daily marketing tips blog post. I also tweet some of the script. Most of the time, who knows what is going on with Twitter these days. I then take the finished TikTok video and upload it to Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. I save all these videos to use in my email marketing and upload them on YouTube when there is a specific theme.

The theme we are starting right now is platform marketing. To help you perform dynamic marketing for your business, you need to know the different marketing platforms. Work Hard. Market Well.

Marketing Tip Day 6: Videos On Social Media

Wes Web’s marketing tip of the day is focused on using video in your social media marketing strategy.

This is extremely basic. If you can figure out how to integrate video into your digital marketing strategy the algorithm on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and tons of other social media platforms will promote your video more than they would promote an image.

I work with a restaurant owner, who, when I meet with him next (Tyler, I’m talking to you). I am going to tell him: Your pictures are amazing, but it is time to start putting out some videos. Take that plate of food and spin it and record that, or set it at the edge of the bar and pop up, record in slow motion, then dive down again and piece 5 of those videos together BOOM! You have a higher quality piece of marketing that will further your social media marketing’s reach.

Take a video of your work this week, and tag me in it. I want to see what you do! Work Hard. Market Well.

Marketing Tip Day 5: Marketing Strategy

As mentioned yesterday, we are talking about marketing strategy!

I could do a thousand videos on marketing strategy because if you’re a good marketer, no marketing strategy is exactly the same. Each business’s marketing strategy should be different because your product should have a selling point that differentiates you from the rest, and you should know your customer better than anyone else.

In order to create an effective marketing strategy, you need to:

  1. Understand foundational marketing strategies and concepts. The boring stuff they teach you in college, like branding, content strategy, awareness, more specifically, the marketing funnel, which I have a YouTube video on. All these strategies have years of history proving they work.
  2. Application of strategies on different platforms. Your strategy changes a little with the platform you are using. On almost every platform, video is invaluable, on Twitter activity and interaction, on your website usability and written content.
  3. Data guiding your strategy. In everything you do in marketing, you take that data and reapply it to your strategy. It is a constant cyclical interaction where your marketing strategy is learning from the wins and failures of past marketing.

As I was prepping this video, I felt like these tips are getting too deep too quickly. Next week I’m returning to easily actionable tips, and if you want more of this type of marketing info, you will find those longer videos on my YouTube channel. Work Hard. Market Well.

Marketing Tip Day 4: Marketing Data & Analytics

Today we are talking about the importance of collecting data and information to guide your business’s marketing.

Last night I was talking with my friend (shout out to Miah, who has an embroidery business called stitching with soul). About how to market her company. We were talking about the use of platforms since she saw yesterday’s video. But we ended up spending the most time on the value of data in your marketing strategy.

You need to collect data on your industry if you are doing any form of marketing. Do this to develop an effective marketing strategy by tracking the analytics of all your platforms. Set up Google Analytics on your website. Take note of which social posts are successful and why they are. And for the beginners out there, do a competitor analysis. For every client I work with, I have an initial time frame where I analyze data before setting up their full marketing strategy.

Remember, there is no limit to the amount of time, energy, and money you can spend on marketing. That is why every business needs to take time to study its analytics to determine where they should be spending their time for the best return on their investment.

That is the benefit of hiring a professional digital marketer like me. I have access to hundreds of analytics accounts and data sources, and I’ve been immersed in and studying the marketing strategy of a variety of industries for years.

Tune in tomorrow to learn how we take all that data and develop an effective marketing strategy. Work Hard. Market Well.

Marketing Tip Day 3: Customer Platform

Yesterday we talked about knowing your customer, today we are talking about knowing what platform your customer is located on.

First, we must understand platforms and forms of marketing. There are two forms of marketing which are digital and traditional. Some traditional platform examples are newspapers, billboards, or magazines. Digital platforms are things like social media, your website, news websites, and showing up in search engines like Google or Bing.

Now yesterday, did you ask your customers what social media they like or if there are magazines they read? That aspect of knowing your customer will help you in your marketing.
One of the things I love about SEO marketing is I have never met someone who doesn’t ask google or bing questions. So showing up on their google search means I am showing up in front of my customer.

Learn more about digital marketing here at wes-web.com Work Hard. Market Well.

Marketing Tip Day 2: Know Your Customer

The most important aspect of your marketing is knowing your customer.

Take some time today to talk to your target customer to find out what they need out of your product. Don’t ask them what they want. That’s a huge mistake that has led to a lot of failed marketing and failed products. First find out what their interests are so you can know them better and reach them in your marketing. Second, learn what their challenges and problems in life are. If their problems align with your product being the solution, that is how you can make a huge impact on your customers and reach them where they are at.

Thanks for joining us today. Work Hard. Market Well.

Marketing Tip Day 1: Consistency

A key to marketing is consistency, that is why I am going to be sharing quick, easy, and actionable marketing tips for business owners. I post monthly videos or wins and information on our website and social media, but posting consistently to Wes Web’s story is a great way to help my clients market better and be consistently on their minds. Probably won’t post on weekends; that’d be unhealthy, and definitely not on vacation because I like business owners, but I love my family. Work Hard. Market Well.

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