Marketing 101: The Marketing Funnel

Today we are looking at the marketing funnel or “the buyer’s journey”. Before we dive into the marketing funnel you should have an understanding of your product and most importantly your customer. These are two of the most vital aspects of marketing you need to know in order to market effectively. Now that you know your customer you get to lead them to your product. We do that through the marketing funnel.

What Is The Marketing Funnel?

The marketing funnel or buying funnel is a breakdown of steps that a customer takes from first becoming aware of your business’s product to finally purchasing the product from your business and becoming a full-fledged customer.

There are a variety of marketing funnels. With our years of digital marketing experience at Wes Web we are presenting to you the marketing funnel that will keep you from losing valuable customers and help develop an expertly crafted marketing strategy.

Step 1 Of The Marketing Funnel: Awareness

In order for a customer to buy from your business, they need to know your product or services exist. This marketing material and content is a bit more wide-reaching but it is one of the most overlooked and valuable parts of growing your business through marketing. This marketing material would be characterized as brand awareness.

An example of this in digital marketing is a high-ranking blog post that answers one of your future customer’s questions. Make sure you and your product are the answer to that customer’s question. The customer started by searching on Google with a question and then you provided an answer that helps them become aware of your business and the products you provide to help solve their question and problems.

Step 2 Of The Marketing Funnel: Research

Once a person is aware of your product and the potential solution to their problem they start researching. Asking more questions about your product or other related products that could solve their problem.

Step 3 Of The Marketing Funnel: Consideration

Once they have finally settled on your product they are at the final step just before purchasing your product. Here the potential customer is considering buying the cheap version, or they might be comparing colors and brands. These final details are important and must be displayed on your website and integrated into the very design of your website.

A customer in the consideration stage of the marketing funnel is at a split-in-the-road moment where a slight impact could make the person considering your product buy from your competitor instead. This is why it is so important to be educating them and walking the buyer through the funnel from awareness to research and finally here. If you answered their question and educated them, they will buy from you instead of your competitor.

Step 4 Of The Marketing Funnel: Purchase

Yay! You got a customer! The hard work that you put into your digital marketing, education, and customer service has earned you a brand new customer! But that actually is not the end of the buyer’s journey. The last stage of the marketing funnel is often overlooked, but it can determine the success of your business.

Step 5 Of The Marketing Funnel: Loyalty

Is this newly won customer loyal to your business now? Getting a customer is great, but getting a loyal customer is better. Recommendations and referrals are some of the most valuable leads you can get to your business. People are 4x more likely to purchase your product when they are referred by a friend.

Using Analytics With The Marketing Funnel

The best part about digital marketing and using analytics data is you can cover all aspects of the marketing funnel while finding weak points in your funnel or more importantly making the funnel larger and wider to get more and more customers to your business.

We will be doing more videos and articles on marketing 101 and applying digital marketing strategies to a variety of businesses. If you would like us to do a feature on your business and how we would optimize your specific marketing strategy contact us. Be sure to subscribe and follow us for all of your digital marketing information. Work hard and market well!

Contact Wes Web For Help With Your Digital Marketing

We want to work with you so your business can grow and succeed. Learn from us, work with us and grow your business beyond a sales team that is constantly trying to get more leads. Make your business have an effective marketing funnel utilizing search engine optimization or pay-per-click advertising that leads customers directly to your sales team.

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