Why I don't post on my business's social media.

Why Don’t You Post On Social Media?

Update: I have started posting on social media, but only on platforms that are effective, while I passively post on less than effective social media platforms. Learn a few tips on how to improve your social media marketing.

You Do Internet Marketing, Why Don’t You Post On Social Media More?

If I had a nickel for every time someone has asked me this, I would probably have… well, maybe only $20, but that is still a lot of nickles! As an internet marketer, everyone automatically thinks I am the guy on Facebook trying to get a like or follow, or even worse, people think I’m some wannabe Instagram influencer. Then they look at my business’s Facebook page or LinkedIn and are majorly “underwhelmed.”

Let me explain why I do not focus on social media marketing for my business.

It Comes Down To The ROI (Return On Investment)

Return on investment is a business term where essentially you look at the time, the cost, and the entire investment and see what the return for your work produces. Social media marketing is highly appealing to business owners and people who are new to internet marketing because it is free and looks like it would have the best ROI since it is “free.”

Statistically speaking, social media (for most businesses) is a massive time investment that results in little to no leads. According to a study by Profitworks, search engine optimizations is much more effective:

“From our results, it looks like the traffic from search engine optimization generates usually +200% to +275% ROI, whereas social media traffic usually generates a -90% ROI.”

– Profitworks

I can say this is true from my own experience in internet marketing, managing both social media marketing campaigns and SEO marketing campaigns.

Based on their data, if you were to invest your marketing budget primarily into social media, your marketing would result in a net loss for your business.

Where Does Your Business Come From?

Knowing where your business comes from can help you determine where you invest your time. If you invested in all types of marketing equally and found out one investment resulted in 90% of your business, you would probably invest more of your marketing budget into that type of marketing.

An Internet Marketer Will Help Manage Your Marketing Strategy

Having an internet marketer invested in your business’s marketing strategy is vital to the growth and survival of your business. A good internet marketer will do the following:

  • Know your company and have experience related to your industry.
  • Focus on a variety of types of marketing.
  • Track the data behind your business’s marketing investment and determine what provides the best return on your investment.
  • Report the data to you.
  • Help your business invest in the most effective form of internet marketing.

At Wes Web, when you hire us for one of our internet marketing services, we pay attention to your marketing’s ROI. We report on what is working and help your business grow by having an effective marketing strategy that develops with your business.


Contact Wes Web for a free consultation on your internet marketing. We can advise you on what will help your business grow more effectively.


When Is Social Media Profitable For Your Business?

Before we wrap up, it is essential to mention that social media marketing for business is effective, just not for most businesses. If your business hosts events, has loyal members or runs off donations, you must focus on your social media.

If you are unsure if you should be focusing on social media marketing or other forms of internet marketing for the highest ROI for your business, contact us to provide insight and advice for your business’s success.

An Ironic Social Media Post

Purely for its irony, comedic value, and your enjoyment, below is my social media post on why I don’t post to social media.

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