Computer and camera on desk with text describing our article "Reposting content on LinkedIn Case Study".

Reposting Content And Growing Your Platform On LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great social platform for professionals where thoughtful content distribution can have a major impact. We just carried out an interesting experiment to compare the effectiveness of reposting content versus writing original posts. The findings are very enlightening and provide useful insights on how to effectively grow and develop your presence on LinkedIn.

The Setup of Wes Web’s LinkedIn Experiment

When Amanda joined our team at Wes Web we inadvertently created a LinkedIn social experiment. We posted about Amanda joining our team in different ways on LinkedIn. We had original posts on the Wes Web’s LinkedIn page and Amanda posted an original post on her LinkedIn page. Wesley was lazy and simply shared the original post from the Wes Web page. All of the posts had original unique content accompanying the graphic. See the graphic from the post below.

Original Content vs Reposting Content: Which Performs Better?

The results of our experiment after one week were:

  • The Post on Wes Web’s Page: 265 Impressions, 10 Engagements
  • Amanda’s Personal Post: 587 Impressions, 257 Unique Views, 24 Engagements
  • The Repost From Wes Web to Wes’s Personal Page: 482 Impressions, 250 Unique Views, 17 Engagements

Our inadvertent experiment had an interesting outcome. Despite Wes having a LinkedIn network nearly 7x the size of Amanda’s, her post had more views and engagement than his repost with some additional kind words. Why did Amanda’s post do so well? Because LinkedIn’s algorithm favors original content. Knowing this is important for creators to understand as they begin to create a content strategy for their platform. Unique content typically does better, as it promotes connections with a creator’s audience and encourages engagement.

Key Takeaways For Your LinkedIn Strategy

Our inadvertent experiment is an important lesson for those that want to grow their platform on LinkIn. While reposting and sharing content from other users can be helpful for sharing ideas and important information, it is an effective strategy for growth. Here are a few helpful tips that we recommend:

  • Creating Thoughtful, Original Content: Take the time to create original content for your LinkedIn network that offers value. Value doesn’t always take the form of educational content; it can be entertaining, inspiring, or informative. If it’s all fluff, people will just keep scrolling.
  • Engaging Authentically with Your Connections: Try your best to engage with your audience on a regular basis. Interact with the content they post, provide comments, and take part in meaningful conversations. Genuine interaction is essential to expanding your network (both online and offline!) and establishing your position as a thought leader.
  • Adding Value to Your Feed With Reposted Content: If you do decide to repost something from another user, make sure that you provide additional value with your unique thoughts on the topic. This approach can allow you to successfully engage with others in your network and set your repost apart from the original.

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