Other Web Services

This is simply the page where I'm going to put all of the "other things" I can set up for you that do not fall under the existing categories. Online tools are as bottomless as the tools you can order as a mechanic. No one is an expert in all of them but I do know we can perform the correct and effective set up in a wide variety of online services.

Some Other Web Services
This page is honestly a placeholder at this point. If your website is built correctly there honestly isn't much you can't do. I love figuring out how to get things set up and running on a site so if you want a decently affordable price for a service that isn't listed, with enough time I can figure out how to get it set up and running.
Email Marketing
I can do set up, design and yearly planning but I do not want to manage it on an ongoing basis. I will set your team up so they can manage the monthly details.
Influencer Marketing
This type of marketing is extremely difficult to succeed in, but if you have someone who is an influencer or are interested in starting your journey as an influencer we can set you up with the correct channels of communication and provide consulting to ensure you get off to a great start.
Public Relations
We can set your team up with knowledge and information in managing your public image most effectively.
Crisis Management
When a crisis hits your business knowing how to manage your public image and approach to situations can be extremely difficult. Contact us to consult you through this management.
Web Service Pending
Other cool web services we can make simple for your business.
Web Service Pending
Let me give a crack at it, it'll be more affordable and I'll get to add it to this page of services.